The progress of a society depends on the progress of its students. They lend to its strength, stability, dignity, love and knowledge.

PPIMT is a pioneer Institute in the field of Education & Technology. We at PPIMT strongly believe in holistic development of the student and not just academic excellence. It is our aim to inculcate a positive attitude towards studies and life.

A decent education is passport to a good, comfortable and prestigious life. It should enable youngsters to make contribution for the society through knowledge, skills and character.

We at PPIMT are committed & devoted to the cause of student’s education- creating practical avenues for them to pursue their creative interests, to help them to attain financial independence which is the need of the day. The philosophy of life is that “a leaf which falls from the tree stays at the mercy of winds. It goes where ever wind takes it”. But, we want our students to be the wind to drive others not leaf to be driven by others.

With Blessings
Sh. Sadanand Ji Maharaj
Founder Chairman