General Rules

  1. The payment of fee at the time of registration does not in any way confirm the admission.
  2. The fee received along with the application form is not refundable.
  3. The entire fee must be paid before the commencement of each academic session.
  4. In case the full fee is not paid by the due date, the amount paid towards the provisional admission shall stand forfeited and the College shall not be held responsible.
  5. Fee shall be payable for the full session and will not be refunded even if the student leaves the institute in the mid session.
  6. Adjustment of fees on any ground whatsoever is not allowed.
  7. All fees should be deposited by Demand Draft in favour of Concerned College, payable at Hisar.
  8. Book Bank (Optional) securities will be refunded after one year of completion of the course to which he/she is admitted after producing NO DUES Certificate from all concerned.
  9. Book Bank Security will be refunded against the production of original security receipt only.
  10. Students will observe strict discipline and decorum at the institute In case of any indiscipline or misconduct student will be liable to be expelled firm the institute without any notice. No fees will be refundable in such case. Management decision shall be final in all such cases.
  11. The name of the student shall be liable to be struck off the rolls of the College due to non-payment of fee on due date.
  12. He/she shall have to pay fresh admission fee for seeking readmission.
  13. The College administration reserves the right to review & revise Rules and Regulations of the College from time to time.
  14. The name of the student remaining continuously absent from the classes for more than 15 days shall be stuck off from the roll of the College and re-admission will be at the discretion of the Management the fee for the same will be charged as applicable. He/she can also be detained in case of class attendance falling short as per condition of the University.
  15. No student is allowed to leave the College premises except on the submission of a letter of request from his/her guardian duly sanctioned by the Principal/Director.
  16. Any damage to the property of the College, Hostel and Transport (as applicable) shall be recovered from the concerned student.
  17. Students must report in the College after the holidays on the opening day and should be present on the closing day of each semester.
  18. In case any student is unwell during the College hours, he/she should immediately inform to the Mentor/concerned HOD.
  19. Use/Possession of alcohol and intoxicating drugs of any kind by any student is strictly prohibited. Any student violating this rule is liable to be summarily expelled from the institute as well as hostel and appropriate legal action will be taken.
  20. All students must observe discipline in the College and hostels and maintain punctuality and regularity in the classes.
  21. The College reserves the right to detain a student from appearing in the University Examination or may take any other action as considered necessary, in case of non payment of fees/dues by the due date as mentioned in the prospectus/Notice.
  22. All students willing to stay in the Hostel of the Institute as well as students willing to travel by Institute Bus should apply on the prescribed form and deposit the amount, as applicable, by due date.
  23. It will be the responsibility of the student to apply on the prescribed form for appearing in regular/reappear examinations of the University by due date as mentioned in the notice which will be displayed on the notice board.
  24. All legal disputes relating to Examination/Admission of students will be subject to courts having jurisdiction in Hisar.
  25. In case of change in phone no/address, information to this effect must be submitted to the office immediately.
  26. No student will be allowed to take active part in current politics.
  27. No student shall communicate any information or write about matters dealing with the College administration to the press.
  28. Wearing I-Cards with in the campus is mandatory.
  29. Uniform shall be worm on all specified days of the week.(N/A for PPAC Students)

Matters not covered by the existing rules will rest at the absolute discretions of the Principal.